Public Projects

Bids Due in 10 days
3/4/25 2:00pm
Brannan Street - Lincoln Avenue Crosswalk Project
Bids Due in 10 days
City of Calistoga
Calistoga, CA
General Description of Work: The work, in general, consists of modifying curb, gutters, curb returns and ADA ramps, relocating the crosswalk on Brannan Street, adding a crosswalk on Lincoln Street with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon system, grinding and overlaying AC pavement, installing a water main, traffic striping, traffic control, water pollution control, and related items of work as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer.
Bidding Closed
8/22/24 2:00pm
RFP - Landscape Maintenance Services at 1407 & 1435 North Oak Street
Bidding Closed
City of Calistoga
Calistoga, CA
The City of Calistoga (City) is seeking qualified landscape contractors to provide landscape maintenance services for a 71-acre property.
Bidding Closed
4/15/24 2:00pm
2024 Slurry Seal Project Phase II
Bidding Closed
City of Calistoga
Calistoga, CA
General Description of Work: The work, in general, consists of pavement maintenance, including: crack sealing; slurry seal; removal and replacement of hot mix asphalt (HMA) paving; traffic striping; traffic control; water pollution control; and related items of work as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer.
Bidding Closed
4/2/24 2:00pm
2024 Logvy Park Improvements, Project No. 24-5558
Bidding Closed
City of Calistoga
Calistoga, CA
General Description of Work: The work, in general, consists of public recreational facility improvement, including: constructing pedestrian concrete paths, bocce ball courts, a playground, and seating areas; and related items of work as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer.
Bidding Closed
1/10/24 2:00pm
Riverside Ponds & Headworks Mitigation Project
Bidding Closed
City of Calistoga
Calistoga, CA
Project Description/ Scope of Work: The purpose of this project is to improve the resilience of critical WWTP infrastructure from catastrophic failure from flooding and associated erosion that threatens the City's WWTP. Work includes replacing the existing Riverside Ponds with new ponds with berms elevated above the 100-year floodplain, stabilization of the banks of the Oat Hill Mine Ditch and Napa River, realignment and stabilization of Simmons Creek, and other incidental improvements as shown on the project plans.
Bidding Closed
11/20/23 2:00pm
Calistoga EV Charging Stations at Community Center and Pool Project
Bidding Closed
City of Calistoga
Calistoga, CA
Project Description/Scope of Work: The purpose of this project is to install Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS), two spaces at the Community Pool served by one dual port station and and three spaces at the Fire Station served by one dual port station and one single port station. The work generally consists of hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement, installation of new electric vehicle charging stations, conduit, pull boxes, and safety bollards, signs and striping.
Bidding Closed
6/8/23 2:00pm
Slurry Seal Project Phase 1 No. 23-5552
Bidding Closed
City of Calistoga
Calistoga, CA
The work, in general, consists of pavement maintenance, including:crack sealing; slurry seal; removal and replacement of hot mix asphalt (HMA) paving; traffic striping; traffic control; water pollution control; and related items of work as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer.
Bidding Closed
4/4/23 2:00pm
Cedar Street Utility Replacement and Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 19-5535
Bidding Closed
City of Calistoga
Calistoga, CA
Project Description/ Scope of Work: The purpose of this project is to improve Cedar Street between Lincoln Avenue and Spring Street by reconstructing the pavement, replacing the sewer main and laterals, and replacing the water main and services.
Bidding Closed
8/15/22 2:00pm
Rancho De Calistoga Sewer Line Bank Stabilization Project
Bidding Closed
City of Calistoga
Calistoga, CA
The work to be performed under this contract consists of the furnishing of all labor, materials, plant and equipment for the construction of Rancho De Calistoga Sewer Line Bank Stabilization Project complete, and in satisfactory operating condition, all as shown on the Contract Documents and/or as specified herein. The work is to be performed in the City of Calistoga.
Bidding Closed
5/26/22 2:00pm
Berry Street Pavement Rehabilitation
Bidding Closed
City of Calistoga
Calistoga, CA
Bids are accepted for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and performing all work necessary and incidental to the construction of the project known as BERRY STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT, according to drawings and specifications and according to the Contract Documents and other work not specifically mentioned herein, but which may be required as directed by the Engineer or his designated representative.